
Invitation: Branchedag om eksport 2025

I samarbejde med The Trade Council under Udenrigsministeriet inviterer Danish.Care til Branchedag om eksport af hjælpemidler og velfærdsteknologi. Vi sætter fokus på eksportmarkederne i Tyskland, Polen, Ukraine og Tjekkiet og inviterer til en netværksbaseret dag om eksportaktiviteter anno 2025.

Tid & sted: 23. januar 2025 kl. 9:00 - 16:00 hos Udenrigsministeriet, Eigtveds Pakhus, Strandgade 25D, 1401 København.

Vær med til en dag med viden, dialog og netværk i branchen og med Trade Councils rådgivere og fageksperter.​

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Dagens program (med forbehold for ændringer):

Kl. 09.00 - 10.00
Kom i god tid og lad morgenroen sænke sig 

Kl. 10.00 – 10.15
v. Morten Rasmussen, direktør i Danish.Care samt dagens vært The Trade Council v. Joan Hentze, Global Director, Life Science

Kl. 10.15
v. kontorchef David Schjerlund, Eksport, Innovation og Global Public Affairs

Kl. 10.30 – 10.45
Executive Director Jakob Skaarup Nielsen, Healthcare Denmark

Kl. 10.45 – 11.15
FOKUS TYSKLAND: Vi stiller skarpt på eksportmuligheder af sundhedsløsninger til vores største eksport- og nabomarked
v. Senior Commercial Advisor Health Olaf Meyer, ambassaden i Berlin

+ Inspirationsoplæg v. Nemlia. CEO Peer Bentzen vil fortælle om eksportoplevelser på det tyske marked med deres sensorbaserede app-løsning til daglig pleje, samt dele ud af tips & tricks på Tyskland generelt.

Introduction from Team-Germany:

Germany, Denmark’s largest neighboring market, offers vast potential for innovative healthcare solutions. This event dives into the strategies and opportunities for success in this vital export market.

Senior Advisor Health Olaf Meyer, from the Danish Embassy in Berlin, shares outlook and cooperation opportunities for 2025 and Nemlia’s CEO, Peer Bentzen, provides an insider’s perspective on breaking into the German market. Drawing on two years of alliance membership, Peer shares practical tips and proven strategies for building partnerships and driving business success in Germany.

Join us for expert insights, actionable advice, and inspiration for your journey into the German healthcare market!

Kl. 11.15 – 11.45
FOKUS POLEN: Nye eksport- og markedsmuligheder i Polen  
v. Senior Advisor Healthcare Sector, Rafal Hubert Tarlowski, ambassaden i Warszawa

+ Inspirationsoplæg v. RetinaLyze. CEO Teddy Birch Petersen vil fortælle om virksomhedens rejse med eksport til Polen med deres løsning, der med kunstig intelligens og avanceret algoritme screener for tidlige tegn på øjensygdomme og aflaster specialister.

Introduction from Team-Poland:

Poland is Denmark's 7th largest export market, after app. 10% growth in exports every year over the past five years. With a population of 36.7 million and an aging demographic, the demand for improved healthcare services is rising. Rafal Tarlowski, Senior Commercial Advisor in Health, will highlight opportunities for Danish companies in Poland, along with key stakeholders in the embassy network, including (private) hospitals, universities and local authorities, who highly value Danish solutions. Due to the prospects of EU funds, a more progressive government and EU presidency in 2025 there is significant potential to expand Danish presence in Poland in the coming years.

Teddy Birch Petersen, CEO of RetinaLyze (Eye screenings), will share their experiences from the market and from working with the Danish Embassy in Warsaw for more than 10 years. He will explain what factors make the coming years look promising for RetinaLyze in Poland and the CEE region.

Kl. 11.45 – 12.00

Kl. 12.00 – 12:45
FOKUS UKRAINE, TJEKKIET OG DEN ØVRIGE CEE-REGION: Vi stiller skarpt på markedsmuligheder, samhandel og eksport til Ukraine og den øvrige CEE-region, herunder Tjekkiet. Der vil være oplæg fra ambassaden i Prag v. Senior Commercial Advisor Lenka Andrýsová/Head of Trade Lars Gade Holm og Trade Council.

+ Inspirationsoplæg v. Levitate. Founder & CEO Lasse Madsen vil fortælle om virksomhedens erfaringer i samarbejdet med Ukraine i forhold til udbredelsen af deres adaptive proteseløsninger til atleter, krigsveteraner – og alle med ønsket om bevægelse.

Introduction from Team-Czechia:
The Czech Republic has a population of 11 million. Due to ageing society, demand for both public or private nursing homes is increasing.  At the same time, there is a critical need of staff and therefore, new technology and better conditions for labour are needed. Lenka Andrýsová or Lars Gade Holm from Trade Council in Prague will introduce you to the Czech eldercare sector and describe the key stakeholders who could be interested in Danish assistive technology and healthtech solutions.  At the same time, we will share with you information about potential distributors working in the Czech market.

Introduction from Team-Ukraine:
Ukraine's population is currently estimated to be between 33 and 35 million, but no precise count can be done due to the Russian military occupation of 20% of its territory. Ukraine has an ongoing reform in the healthcare system since 2017. Despite all struggles, by 2024 Ukraine's healthcare system had shifted toward a mix of public and private services, with ongoing reforms. The outcomes are impressive: price regulation in public procurements, enhanced transparency, an increase in the government's contribution to patient treatment costs both in clinics through centralized and decentralized channels, as well as out-of-clinic care via a reimbursement program. Additionally, there are medical guarantees for covering treatment expenses across 45 state-funded medical guarantee programs. For example, revolutionizes the structure of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams in healthcare settings by mandating the inclusion of social workers in both inpatient and outpatient settings.This initiative has inherently redefined the role of social workers within the rehabilitation realm, markedly improving health and social service quality, accessibility and comprehensiveness during challenging wartime conditions.

Ukraine’s healthcare recovery efforts after the war offer significant prospects for Danish businesses. Important areas of focus include restoring medical infrastructure, offering specialized care to those affected by the war, and advancing digital healthcare and cybersecurity solutions. With potential investments in the pharmaceutical sector and a drive to enhance healthcare policies, Danish companies have the opportunity to play a pivotal role in modernizing Ukraine’s healthcare system, while positioning themselves for sustainable growth in a market that is evolving quickly.

The possible cooperation becomes more real in a view of recently signed agreement between Denmark’s Minister of the Interior and Health, Sophie Løhde, and Ukraine’s Minister of Health, Viktor Liashko. The cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening Ukraine's healthcare system and supporting the country’s path toward EU membership.

Kl. 12.30 – 12.45

Kl. 12.45 – 14.00

Kl. 14.00 – 15.30
Deltagerne inddeler sig i bordgrupper (breakout-sessions) efter landefokus og -interesse sammen med rådgivere fra Trade Council fra både fokuslande og fra HQ i København og går i fælles dialog og netværk.

Kl. 15.45 – 16.00
Kort indflyvning om eksportaktiviteter i 2025 med Danish.Care og afrunding af dagens program.

Kl. 16.00 – 16.45
Her kan du netværke på tværs af branchen samt med Trade Councils eksperter fra både landerepræsentationerne og fageksperter fra HQ i København.

Kl. 16.45

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Det er gratis for Danish.Cares medlemmer at deltage.
Pris for ikke-medlemmer: 955 kr. + moms.

Chefkonsulent for velfærdsteknologi, innovation & startups Anders Lyck Fogh-Schultz, mail eller telefon +45 2299 3244.

Alt dette kan du få med fra dagen:

  • Ny viden✔
  • Keynotes✔
  • Inspirationsoplæg✔
  • Lande-præsentationer✔
  • Roundtable-talks✔
  • Eksperter✔
  • Netværk✔

Skal vi holde dig opdateret om sidste nyt om branchedagen om eksport og vores øvrige aktiviteter?
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2630 Taastrup

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5230 Odense M

CVR: 2869 3222
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